Mart Exhibitors will be arranging their tables on Thursday afternoon, so a relaxing Thursday evening education program and pizza social seems appropriate. Featured at the Kimball Jenkins Carriage House will be well known horologist and speaker Steve Sanborn who will offer an informative and entertaining lecture entitled "New Hampshire Clock Salad."
Your $20 reservation will give you a chance to grab a bite to eat (BringYourOwnDrink), listen to Steve, enjoy the grounds of the Kimball Jenkins facility, and swap stories and techniques with like-minded horologists. Please register below as soon as you can as registration is limited.
Pizza Social Registration
The Mission of the Kimball Jenkins is "To Promote Creativity, Make Arts Education Accessible, and Preserve History." Kimball Jenkins has been building connections within the local community for over 40 years through art, history, and culture. Through art education classes and workshops for all ages, exhibitions, events, and the preservation of its historic campus, Kimball Jenkins serves hundreds of people annually and fulfills an important function in the community. To learn more about the history of the house and grounds, click below.
Kimball Jenkins History